League of Legends Game Free Download
League of Legends 1.33.23
League of Legends is a competitive free strategy MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game developed by Riot Games which merges the intensity and speed of an RTS with some RPG elements. Two teams battle for supremacy across several battlefields and modes using champions. Every champion has its own design, movepool and playstyle.
Lol claimed the throne of MOBA games indisputably, since it has become one of the most famous esports all over the world. In fact, it’s as popular as basketball in USA this season. League of Legends learning curve is high, it requires some practice before you can play it correctly, but once you get used to the mechanics, it will keep you glued to your seat for months.

Welcome to Summoner’s Rift
First of all, you should know about the main map and objectives available. There are three main paths or lanes, in which the champions fight accompanied by “minions”. Those are AI controlled units that spawn from your Nexus every few seconds. The nexus is the main building, and you will have to protect it. To make things harder, there are three towers placed along the lanes for each team. Players can seek for refuge at the tower if the enemy team tries to kill them, since towers can easily kill a champion, especially in early game. If a team manages to take down the three towers of a lane, they will be able to destroy the inhibitor. When this building gets destroyed, the enemy team will start spawning super minions who will push the lane harder, forcing the opposing team to constantly defend that lane if they don’t want them to get into the base and destroy the nexus.
Between each lane, there are forest areas known as “the jungle”. Players will find several mob camps scattered around the area and two important mobs. The ancient golem grants a buff with which you will restore your mana faster and it will also lower your cooldowns. The Elder Lizard will grant you true damage and a slow effect per hit. The map is divided in half by a river, in which two important objectives are located. The dragon is a neutral mob which must be taken down in group, since it gives a good amount of gold for all the team. Baron Nashor is located at the left side of the river, and is the most powerful of all the neutral mobs. If a team manages to kill him, it will grant a buff that highly increases the chances of defeating the enemy team.
There are several classes in League of Legends. You can choose the one that adjusts better to your playstyle. Traditionally, only certain classes could be played in certain lanes, but metagame is changing nowadays and you can find anything when you enter the fields of justice. The basic team is generally composed by a bruiser/tank, an AP (Ability Power) carry, a jungler, an AD (Attack Damage) carry and a support. However, there are almost endless variations to this composition.

Bruisers are physical characters which can soak large amounts of damage while they take down the enemy’s AD carry easily. Darius, Irelia or Garen are good examples of an AD Bruiser. Assassins are characters designed to kill as fast as they can and then get out of the fights. Unlike the bruiser, they can’t absorb too much damage, but their high mobility allows them to take down an imperative target and get out of the teamfight alive. Akali, Zed and Kha’Zix are assassins. The AP carry is a mage, they are physically weak, but they can nuke down enemies with huge AoE spells and deadly skillshots. Ahri, Annie or Viktor are AP Carry characters. The AD carry is another weak character, but instead of dealing magical burst damage, they will deal sustained physical damage with each attack. Vayne, Ezreal and Sivir are AD carry. The support is the most underrated class. These heroes are weak, they don’t have damage, and they are not supposed to get kills. However, they have the highest utility in the game. A support controls the vision of the map by placing vision wards; those are consumable items which will reveal a small area of the map for your team. They also have a great amount of CC (Crowd Control), to help their AD carry to get kills. Sona, Thresh and Lulu are supports.
Once you have chosen your character, you will have to set your masteries and runes. These are some parameters that you can customize in order to improve your character’s potential. For instance, you will choose defensive masteries and AD runes for your Darius, since you want him to tank some damage and also punish the enemy when he tries to farm (kill) minions.
When the game starts, you will have to choose some starting items, and you will earn gold to get more by killing minions or other champions. Although characters have a role, you can create different builds depending on the situation. Some will help you to resist more damage if you are being destroyed by their jungler, while others will give you a significant advantage to keep the announcer screaming: Legendary!

League of Legends 1.33.23 Features
Here you can see some of the features of this game:
- Several Game Modes: join the summoner’s rift for 5 vs. 5 fights and the twisted treeline for 3 vs. 3 action among other modes
- Climb up the ladder: league system allows you to move into higher leagues. You start in bronze, but you can reach even challenger if you play and win enough ranked matches
- Ever-expanding roster: there are loads of upcoming characters, released every few months
- Loads of builds: buy different items to create smart builds depending on the situation and dominate the enemy
- Endless replayability: every game is different, so you will not grow tired of it soon
If you are interested in League of Legends and you need more information before you download it, feel free to check the developer’s site.

System Requirements for the download
The minimum system requirements to download and run this game are listed below:
- Operating System: Windows XP or higher
- Processor: 2 GHz Processor
- RAM Memory: 1 GB or above
- Video Card: DirectX 9.0 capable card
- Hard Disk: 8 GB free space available

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